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Time to Vote. But do you know what you're voting for?

(Note: This is not a political blog. But politics do affect economics and personal finance. And voting is both a responsibility and duty. This is a brief summary of what I think are some of the differences are right now between our two parties, from some fairly extensive research on my part. But don't take my word on it. Do your own research on the issues. Just for the record, I'm neither a registered Republican or Democrat, since you don't do that in Texas. I tend toward Libertarian views anyway).

Your Money
When House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said that bonuses stimulated by President Trump’s tax cut were “crumbs” she meant it. And item No. 1 on the Democrats’ agenda will be to repeal the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. For the 90 percent of Americans who have seen more money in their pockets this year because of tax reform, kiss it goodbye. Republicans want to make the tax changes permanent. However, neither party problem seems to not have the courage to attack run-away government spending, which is a problem. And it will get worse as time goes on. 

Economic growth
One of the first things President Trump did to stimulate the economy was to remove harmful regulations that left our small banks, energy companies and other small and medium businesses treading water to stay afloat, if they had not already drowned. Democrats have admitted that they’ll bring back the regulations President Trump removed. 

National Defense
This is one of the most, if not the most, important obligations of the federal government. It's been my experience after serving 25 years in the military (1971-1996), and through study of history, that during the last 45 years, Democrats have weakened military capability, Republicans have strengthened it. But we also don't need to nation-build or be the world's police force, either. 

Heath Care
Overall, the Affordable Care Act did not help the majority of Americans. For some people, yes. But as I watched my co-worker's premiums go up and up, some losing their insurance plans and doctors, it became quite evident this was bad law based on lies. We need to throw it out and start over. But the Democrats can't or won't, and the Republicans don't have the courage. The goal for the Democrats is a system like the UK or Canada, a government-run, single-payer system. No choices. Do some research on those programs. Do you want your health care to be run like the VA? 

Secure borders and immigration
This is easy. Democrats: Open borders, sanctuary cities, benefits for all, do away with ICE. Pretty much a free for all.  Republicans: Control the borders and reform our broken immigration system. Deport criminals. Don't believe all the propaganda from either party on this issue. A nation without borders or rule-of-law will no longer be a nation. Maybe that's what you want. But I don't think so. 

Our voices on social media and freedom of speech
In 2016 a bill was introduced in the California legislature making it a crime to "deceive or mislead" the public on the risks of climate change. In other words, if you disagree with the current politically-correct belief system, or are a skeptic about climate change, you can be prosecuted and/or sued. Fortunately, saner heads prevailed and the bill died, but just the thought of it should scare the shit out of you. California is run by Democrats. 

Time and time again, we’ve seen Democrats defend censorship on social media platforms. They side with the likes of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who believe that the First Amendment only applies as far as they see fit. Our ability to engage in public discourse on online social media platforms will be restricted by their restrictive set of rules.

And on and on it goes
There are other issues you should investigate, like gun rights, progress for peace, and the stability of government. Democrats have been talking about impeaching Trump if they take control of the Senate and House. After more than two years of investigations, there is still nothing found. This would make our government even less effective in solving real problems. 

I can't (and won't) tell you how to vote, but be informed. Don't be like 47 percent of college students who don't even know how long the terms are for Senators and Representatives.


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