Sunday, November 25, 2018

Immigration is a defining economic issue of our time

If we stick to economics only, and don't stray into ethical, political or other types of issues -- impossible to do since half the country is brainwashed -- then the argument for or against immigration depends on both the specific economic environment and the point of view of the individuals involved.

The bottom line in economic law: as supply rises, prices come down. This hurts someone. 
From U.S. News and World Report:
A MASSIVE IMMIGRATION study...attempts to break down whether mass influxes of foreign workers ultimately are a net boon or burden for the domestic economy.
The answer: It's complicated.
The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine released a roughly 500-page report that pooled data from more than a dozen individual economists, professors and immigration-minded specialists. (My note: probably got 500 opinions). It says America's immigrant population climbed by more than 70 percent between 1995 and 2014, when it stood at 42.3 million, accounting for roughly 13 percent of America's total population.
The study's findings ultimately suggest immigration is neither 100 percent beneficial nor completely detrimental to the country's economic and financial well-being. And they've helped fuel immigration arguments across the political spectrum.
But what a minute. As usual, are we talking legal or illegal immigration? We don't know, because the media today lumps it all together. If you're against illegal immigration, your a racist. If you're against legal immigration, you're a racist. If you're against immigration, you're a racists. 

But that's left-wing propaganda. The hard, cold message is that illegal immigration is a negative affect on our country and our economy. This might be hard for many Americans to process, but anyone who tells you that immigration doesn’t have any negative effects doesn’t understand how it really works. When the supply of workers goes up, the price that firms have to pay to hire workers goes down. Wage trends over the past half-century suggest that a 10 percent increase in the number of workers with a particular set of skills probably lowers the wage of that group by at least 3 percent. Even after the economy has fully adjusted, those skill groups that received the most immigrants will still offer lower pay relative to those that received fewer immigrants. 

Good for business, I guess. Bad for workers, especially low-skilled workers who need a place to start. 

Here's some of your favorite politicians in the 1990s (before it became popular to support open borders): 

Bill Clinton: 

Barrack Obama 2006 on the border fence“The bill before us will certainly do some good,” Obama said on the Senate floor in October 2006. He praised the legislation, saying it would provide “better fences and better security along our borders” and would “help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.”


And here's my favorite dumb-ass headline for the week, month, year, from the Atlantic (doesn't any right-minded people even read this tripe): 

There Is No Immigration Crisis

My take: Enforce the laws. Don't like them. Change them. 

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