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Showing posts from January, 2023

Freddie Mac Mortgage Survey

News Summary

Debt Ceiling Hysteria and Hypocrisy This week the US government reached its 31.4 trillion dollars borrowing limit, better known as the “debt ceiling.” This led to a showdown among House Republicans, President Biden, and congressional Democrats. The 1.5 Degree Temperature Target is a Dead Man Walking Since the early 1990s, climate policy has focused on a number of different metrics around which to set policy goals, including emissions cuts (Kyoto 1997), atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations (Copenhagen 2009) and global average temperature change from pre-industrial times (Paris 2015). In an earlier post I described the arbitrary and non-scientific origins of the 2 degree Celsius temperature target of the Paris Agreement (2015). Biden admin appoints doctor who claims obesity is mostly genetic to Dietary Guidelines Committee President Joe Biden’s administration appointed Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, who claimed obesity was mostly genetic and not primarily driven by diet or exercise, to