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Headlines: More of What the Media Gets Wrong

Biden and Whitmer ticket?

Former Vice President Joe Biden confirmed this week that he is considering Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to be his running mate if he is chosen as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee.

I guess one incompetent deserves another.

Democrats Gear Up For All-Out Attack On Trump

Congressional Democrats are gearing up for another all–out assault on President Trump, this time even more absurd than the last.

Despite being in the midst of fighting a pandemic that is tearing through the nation, Democrats are more concerned with waging war on the president as he looks to guide the nation through this troubling time.

Democrats are reportedly in the early stages of putting together a “9/11-style commission” to investigate the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

According to an NBC News report, “informal discussions” have begun on the possibility of forming up an investigative committee, and that plans are still “very preliminary.”

Schumer re-writing history

Sen Shumer claims today on MSNBC that on Jan 26 it was he that declared the COVID-19 outbreak a national disaster. Good thing he did that on MSNBC, which has the lowest viewership of any news outlet and its audience is rather ignorant. Shumer at that time was focused on the impeachment and called Trumps ban on China travel as racist and xenophobic.

See: After attacking Trump's coronavirus-related China travel ban as xenophobic, Dems and media have changed tune

April 1

As in any crisis, it's easy to pick out the winners, the losers, the heros and those that seem to be against what all of us are trying to do: get through this in the best way possible with the best outcomes. 

I've come to learn -- or have reaffirmed -- that the left-wing and the Democratic Party in this country, supported by many in the media, have been not only abusive, but outright assholes and liars. Some names come to mind: Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell, Chuck Todd, as well as others. 

Dems are Saying Trump Didn’t Act On the Virus Soon Enough, So Here’s a Supercut of How Serious They Were Taking It Themselves

The Democrats are clearly trying to rewrite history here. For example, while Pelosi was handing out impeachment pens, Trump was meeting with CDC and other officials to come up with a plan. Even as late as Feb. 24, Pelosi was urging people to visit China town. There are too many examples of this, but I'm sure they are depending on the ignorance of the average voter.

Still others claiming that President Donald Trump or Fox News is somehow responsible for “downplaying it.”

But what was Trump doing in January? He was activating the CDC, forming a task force, cutting travel with China and declaring a public health emergency.

What were Democrats doing? They were trying to impeach Trump and calling cutting travel racist or xenophobia.

So if we accept the Democrats/media new rewrite then what can we have to say that people like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats in NYC and New Orleans who urged people to go out to events and mingle with people? Pelosi, touring San Francisco's Chinatown on Feb. 24: "We do want to say to people, come to Chinatown, here we are ... come join us."

March 31

Joe Biden Makes a Pathetic Attempt to Achieve Relevance and Claims Credit for the Wuhan Virus Response

With his campaign stagnating and reduced to ‘live,’ nearly embalmed would be a better description, statements on Facebook where he loses his place and falls asleep, Biden has been further shunted to the side by the Wuhan virus crisis. Now, in an attempt to show President Trump how ‘it’s really done,’ Biden has attempted to interject himself into the management of that travesty.

CNN Called Trump a Liar a Month Ago, Now They Admit He Was Right 

If you’ll recall, about a month ago, the liberal news network was trashing the President for suggesting that the death rates for Wuhan virus in the U.S. would be lower than some of the results we were seeing from other places. At the time, the rate was 3.4% globally, a number anyone with the ability to critically think should have been questioning.

Well, CNN is changing its tune, as they are now reporting the death rate will be under 1% via a new study.

BLACKOUT: TV News is Silent on New Biden Sex Abuse Allegations

It’s been nearly a week since a former Joe Biden staffer leveled disturbing accusations of sexual misconduct against the Democratic presidential frontrunner, and yet ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN haven’t said a single word...

Party’s over, Florida. Advisers see trouble looming in state’s economy

A recession could be coming for the Sunshine State, says a Wells Fargo Securities analyst. This is why I don't use a financial adviser. They are usually a day short.

I'll leave it at that. And to make matters worse. the climate change alarmists are starting to get involved. Climate change and the virus. 

Interesting times.


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