For the week, the Dow rose 2.3% and the S&P 500 gained 1.6%. The Nasdaq was up 4.3% on Friday alone to end the week with a gain of 3.2%. There was also some calming down in the energy market as U.S. WTI crude oil tallied its first weekly gain in a month, rising 5.8% to $47.96/bbl. The 10-year Treasury yield settled at 2.66% and the U.S. Dollar Index closed at 96.17.
More from Seeking Alpha.
Based on the chart below, I'm still mostly in cash (money market fund now paying about 2.3%). However, this may change, as Investor's Business Daily on Friday put the market pulse back to confirmed uptrend. I'm currently looking at SPHD, Invesco S&P High Dividend Low Volatility Fund ETF; or SCHD, Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF. Or maybe a little of both, since their respective primary holdings are in different sectors of the market.
More from Seeking Alpha.
Based on the chart below, I'm still mostly in cash (money market fund now paying about 2.3%). However, this may change, as Investor's Business Daily on Friday put the market pulse back to confirmed uptrend. I'm currently looking at SPHD, Invesco S&P High Dividend Low Volatility Fund ETF; or SCHD, Schwab US Dividend Equity ETF. Or maybe a little of both, since their respective primary holdings are in different sectors of the market.
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