Here's my quote of the day, from Ben Shapiro at Townhall:
...the problem for Democrats isn't Bloomberg's spending. The problem is that the Democratic Party now treats wealth itself as an indicator of immorality. This week, Sanders tweeted, "Together, we are going to end the greed of the billionaire class." Never mind that creating tens of billions of dollars in value via voluntary exchange, employing tens of thousands of people, and providing goods and services to millions is far less indicative of greed than living as a taxpayer-funded, parasitical, self-styled revolutionary for six decades. The size of Bloomberg's bank account makes him morally suspect in the world of the modern Democratic Party. There's a reason former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg keeps telling debate crowds that he's the poorest candidate running, as though lack of financial success is a tremendous indicator of governing ability. As Trevor Noah recently joked, being called a wealthy person is, for "progressive white people ... like being called the N-word."
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